My 100th Post!…took me long enough

How fitting. My baby turns 3!

I’ve been putting off this post for a while, wanting it to be truly worthy of the big 1-0-0.  Which of course simply meant that it took me a ridiculously long time to actually post.  Not because things weren’t good enough to post, but when they were I didn’t have time and when I had time it was all old news.  Well to me.  I know, I suck.

But I digress.

My baby is 3!!!

Okay, my first baby.  I guess I have two now and should clarify.  But I’m pretty sure I haven’t been away that long.

Unfortunately, the Rocket Scientist is away at a conference, but we’re still going to have a fun day and then we’ll have the party in a couple of weeks. We made pancakes this morning, we’re going to the soft play at our local Garden Centre in a bit and have some lunch and then cake and a couple prezzies back home.  This last week, one of my oldest and dearest friends has been visiting us from Canada and I am so glad she is here with us to make it a special day.

And then yesterday, Asher got the most awesome birthday surprise ever.  His Grammie showed up at our door.  To be honest it was a pretty awesome surprise for me, too.  I had no idea.  Both hubby and friend knew and kept it a secret.  I was totally blown away, I had no idea a secret was even being kept.  There’s been a lot going on lately and a lot possibly about to happen and opening up the door to see my Mumsy standing there was too much.  I completely broke down.  Like on reality tv when the sob story family open their eyes and see a mansion where their rundown shack used to be.  I sobbed.  Clung to my tiny mum and sobbed.  I had no idea how much I was holding on to until she showed up.

Asher was pretty stoked to see her, too.  She’s staying at a B&B down the road until my friend leaves on Sunday and Asher’s spent all morning asking where Grammie is and proclaiming loudly and randomly that he loves his Grammie.  She’ll be here soon and then we’ll be off to start his birthday activities so I best get the kids dressed and ready.

Now that I’ve got that 100th post out of the way I can catch you up on all the boring stuff.

10 responses »

  1. Snap (well almost) my 100th post was on Monday. Congratulations. Also Happy 3rd birthday to your ‘baby’, strangely even when they’re adults their still your ‘babies’.

    Enjoy the birthday celebrations

  2. So cool! Happy 3rd birthday and congrats on your 100th post…they go by fairly quickly after this don’t they!

  3. Happy Birthday, Little Man! i love that you sobbed! i’m so happy you have two wonderful people there to share it all with! i just wish we could be there too 😦 have fun and give him lots of hugs and kisses for us!

  4. Happy Birthday! How fun! My parents live in FL so for them to surprise us in Chicago would be a problem. Sounds like your weekend is going to be a blast!

  5. Yay! A birthday for your little guy…and a big surprise for you!!!

    Enjoy the time with your friend…and your “Mumsy”!

    Have a good weekend!


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